Português Mais Perto Platform

I’ve studied in Portugal and I’d like to do it again

The Portuguese Near You platform offers a wide range of interactive lessons covering all the items of the Ministério da Educação de Portugal [Portuguese Ministry of Education] national syllabus for the teaching of Portuguese.

Portuguese Near You lends support to students who attended school in Portugal, moved abroad but plan to come back and pursue their education in Portuguese language under the Portuguese national curriculum with a view to sitting the 12th grade national exam and pursue their further education in Portugal.


I’ve always studied abroad and I wish to study Portuguese

Portuguese Near You offers several courses structured according to the levels of the Common European Framework for Languages (CEF) and the Common Framework for the Teaching of Portuguese Abroad (QuaREPE). Available CEF and QuaREPE A1-C1 levels offer a wide range of interactive classes providing individual, one-to-one learning of Portuguese.