Organizational Chart of Camões, I.P.
The following organizational chart shows how Camões, I.P. is structured:
The Camões, I.P. bodies are:
- Board of directors
- Auditor
- Advisory Council for the Portuguese Language and Culture
- Inter-ministerial Commission for Co-operation
At the highest management level, Camões, I.P. has a board of directors and an auditor (supervisory body).
The Board of Directors is composed of a president, a vice-president and two members, the President having the casting vote.
Board of Directors - President
Florbela Paraíba
Licenciada em Relações Internacionais, pelo Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa; aprovada no concurso de admissão aos lugares de adido de embaixada, aberto em 27 de maio de 1995; adida de embaixada, na Secretaria de Estado, em 7 de março de 1996; secretária de embaixada, em 28 de maio de 1997; terceira-secretária de embaixada, em 2 de março de 1998; na Missão em Díli, em 6 de junho de 2000; segunda-secretária de embaixada, em 7 de março de 2001; na Embaixada em Washington, em 17 de janeiro de 2002; primeira-secretária de embaixada, em 7 de março de 2004; na Missão Permanente junto das Nações Unidas, em Nova Iorque, em 21 de novembro de 2006; adjunta do Ministro de Estado e dos Negócios Estrangeiros, em 1 de setembro de 2009; conselheira de embaixada, em 20 de outubro de 2010; Diretora de Serviços da África Subsariana da Direção-Geral de Política Externa, em 9 de fevereiro de 2011; na Embaixada em Brasília, em 1 de agosto de 2013; na Embaixada em Roma, em 5 de agosto de 2017; chefe do Gabinete do secretário-executivo da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP), em 1 de janeiro de 2019; ministra plenipotenciária de 2.ª classe, em 30 de janeiro de 2019; ministra plenipotenciária de 1.ª classe, em 30 de janeiro de 2022; na Embaixada em Dakar, com credenciais de Embaixadora, em 2 de julho de 2022.
President of the Board of Directors of Camões, I.P. since July 15, 2024.
Board of Directors - Vice-President
Board - Member
Ana Paula Harfouche
Member of the Board of Auditors since July 18, 2024.
Board - Member
Joaquim Coelho Ramos
PhD in Linguistics (Faculty of Philosophy / Charles university in Prague, Czech Republic, under dual supervision regime with the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto (2017)). Master in Portuguese - Foreign Language / Second Language (Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto (2012)). Master in Law (Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra (2004)). Post-graduation in Contemporary Portuguese Culture (Universidade Aberta – Lisbon (2010)). Additional training in Portuguese Foreign Policy, by the Department of International Relations of the Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra (2002). Researcher at CLUP – Centro de Linguística da Universidade do Porto (Linguistics Center of the University of Porto) since 2012, member of the Advisory Board of the International Association of Lusitanians and founding member of the Czech Society of Portuguese Language (since 2011). External lector of Portuguese language at the universities of Brno and Olomouc (2005-2006), and assistant professor of Portuguese language in Prague, Czech Republic (2005-2006). Lector of Portuguese language and culture at Camões (2006-2018), placed at the Charles University, in the Czech Republic, and coordinator of local Language Center (2006-2016 and 2017-2018). President of the Prague Cluster of the European Union National Institutes for Culture/EUNIC countries (2011-2013). Medal of Merit of the Deanship of the Faculty of Philosophy at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic (2016). Director of IPOR - Instituto Português do Oriente, in Macau - China (2018-2023).
Member of the Board of Auditors since July 10, 2023.
Advisory bodies
Inter-ministerial Commission for Co-operation
The Inter-ministerial Commission for Co-operation (CIC) is a sectorial body for government support in the area of development co-operarion policy, working together with Camões, I.P..
The CIC’s main responsibilities are to:
- Provide support to the government in defining co-operative policies with developing countries;
- Promote the specific planning of programmes and projects of public development aid;
- Implement the activities of the various ministries regarding co-operation and public development aid, with a view to establishing concerted guidelines and strengthening the co-ordination and coherence of development policies;
- Promote and co-ordinate the execution of publicly-driven co-operative programmes;
- Promote the collation and sharing of information and statistical data among its members relating to the implementation of co-operation activity.
Advisory Council for the Portuguese Language and Culture
The Advisory Council is the official body for consultation, support and participation in the definition of the general performance of Camões, I.P., meeting at least once a year according to its internal regulations.
The Advisory Council consists of:
- The President of Camões, I.P. who presides over its affairs, along with the vice president and board members;
- A representative from each member of government responsible for the areas of foreign affairs, the economy, education, higher education, science and technology, culture, youth and the media;
- The director-general of foreign policy, the director-general of European affairs , the director-general of consular affairs and Portuguese communities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
- Five people of a recognised level of expertise in the fields of education, research, the arts and science;
- By a representative of each of the teaching staff unions, incorporating the trade union confederations represented in the permanent commission for social dialogue.
The Advisory Council is responsible for:
- Expressing its opinion on the activity plan and report of Camões, I.P., in the area of the Portuguese language and culture;
- Providing an opinion on training plans relating to the teaching of Portuguese overseas;
- Providing an opinion on the planning relating to the Portuguese teaching network abroad;
- Providing an opinion on the setting up of Portuguese cultural centers and the co-ordination structures of the Portuguese teaching abroad;
- Providing an opinion, on its own initiative or at the request of the President, on initiatives relevant to Camões, I.P’s roles regarding the Portuguese language and culture;
- Interfacing Camões, I.P. with governmental bodies and public services with which the Institute is involved in order to fulfil its duties in the area of the Portuguese language and culture.